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Healing Prolapse Naturally


Join Lisa to learn more about Healing Prolapse Naturally. A common problem today but most women do not know what a prolapse is until it happens to them. It is important to understand what a prolapse is order to prevent it happening to you.  In this workshop we will discuss... *What is a Prolapse? For those that don't know - a displacement of a part or organ of the body from it's normal position, usually downward or outward. *Types of prolapse *Causes  *What can we do to prevent Prolapse *What to do if we have one *Prolapse and incontinence *And more... Join Lisa for this educational workshop.... The Workshop fee is $59USD to Paypal at If you buy the recording you are always welcome to join when the workshop is taught live again. If you have any questions, please send Lisa a message at

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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